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Essential Elements of a Quality Cell Phone Repair Training Course

Essential Elements of a Quality Cell Phone Repair Training Course

Essential Elements of a Quality Cell Phone Repair Training Course

CellBotics Cell Phone and Computer Repair Training, Device Masters Course

Finding a high-quality cell phone repair training course that can teach you everything you need to know is an essential first step to becoming successful. Being able to make a lucrative living repairing phones for people depends on your start point. At CellBotics, we provide a quality cell phone repair training course geared for beginners and is found nowhere else in the USA. People from all walks of life and skill levels attend our cell phone repair course to successfully break into this growing industry. Even though you can stop right here and search no more; here are some things to look for when you are trying to get started with the right training.

1. Class Size

We understand as you do that people learn in different ways and at different speeds. So finding a class that is large enough that students can also learn from each other but small enough to provide individual attention is key. Here at Cellbotics, our quality cell phone repair training course only seats up to 10 at a time. Unless you request a larger group. CellBotics has trained groups of 40. However, we have found that a 10 student max is a comfortable number for people to learn and feel free to question and make mistakes.

CellBotics Cell Phone and Computer Repair Training, Device Masters Course
Grad Photo

2. Hands On Experience

In a quality cell phone repair course, you will spend most time hands-on devices. Trying to teach someone how to do something without letting them hold it in their hands and look at it makes no sense to us. Make sure you get your training somewhere that teaches you hands-on how to do what you will eventually be paid to do. There is nothing worse than telling you “it’s all the same”. Now is this statement true, yes, in some cases. However, when someone hands you a device from 2008 and says it is just like the 2020 devices, WRONG! Run for the hills!

Here at CellBotics we spend only 4 hours the first-day lecturing, otherwise, you are hands deep in devices. You will touch all types of devices and get past your fears and insecurities about opening these expensive devices. We have old and new devices in a mixed range of conditions. We use all types of tools and do this as a class!

Bulk repair services by cellbotics iphone 8 plus

3. Class Curriculum

Your class curriculum matters a great deal in the quality of training you receive. Make sure the class curriculum covers all kinds of different smartphones, tablets, iPads, and includes business information. The makeup of every phone is different, so be sure that you get a well-rounded education. A quality cell phone repair course curriculum will include items such as our curriculum does:

  • iPhone Repair
  • Samsung Repair
  • LG Repair
  • iPad Repair
  • Tool Use
  • Intro to Soldering (not micro, that’s for techs who have been fixing for more than a year, run from a beginner course that includes that, its a SHAM! and is not real micro soldering training!)
  • Intro Screen Refurb
  • Water Damage Repair
  • Business Management and Development
  • This is just a drop in the bucket of items you learn at CellBotics Cell Phone Repair Course

4. Ongoing Support

Look for a course that provides ongoing support after you have completed the training. Try to find a course that invests time into students’ careers after completing the training and encourages students to ask questions as they navigate their careers. Find somewhere that is easy to contact BEFORE you pay them because you can bet it is always harder to contact companies after they have collected money and provided services. If you cant get help before you pay, you for sure can’t get help after!

Here at CellBotics you will receive access to, direct cell phone numbers to your trainers, an app to use for repairs InTake Pro, a grad only FaceBook group, multiple other support groups, en email support form, an 888# contact line and so much more! There are so many ways to reach Cellbotics Trainers for help.

5. Continued Education

The world of cell phone technology is changing drastically and very quickly. You will have more success in receiving your training through a course provider that provides information for all new technology and tools. To provide continued education to our graduates, we allow students so many ways to receive help and we always release new info on tools and new devices. Look for a course that provides a similar level of continued education.

Thank you for reading my blog! See you in class!

Nicole Russell

Cell Phone Trainer and President of CellBotics

Nicole Russell CellBotics

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2 Responses

  1. […] sure which school to attend or what to look for? Check out our blog, Essential Elements of a Quality Cell Phone Repair Training Course. Although we know we are the best fit for you, we respect your wishes to compare and want to help […]

  2. […] Desktops; Servers; Printers; Point of Sales equipment and Network Infrastructure etc…) are the physical components that connect us to the world of […]

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