What should Cell Phone Technician Training Include?

What should Cell Phone Technician Training Include?
What should Cell Phone Technician Training Include? We know you are wondering this if you are new to the industry because you don’t even know where to start. There is only a hand full of schools that teach these programs in the USA.
CellBotics is the only repair school that offers:
- Computer Repair Courses
- Drone Repair Courses
- Business Courses
- Cell Phone Repair Courses
We teach these courses separately but also give you the option to take them all with our Device Master Course.
Sure you could just search Google or Bing and pick the cheapest course or pick the longest open school but we want to give you real information about what you should really be looking for.

Not all schools are made the same.
Before we start…You need to know what Cell Phone Repair schools actually are
Mobile Device Repair Training Centers are actually nothing like regular schools; well, they should NOT be like regular schools. Regular schools use teachers teaching out of a book but may not personally have experience with the information. If a Repair School is built that way, RUN in the other direction. Read this Post to learn more about accreditation.
So what are repair schools?
They are a program built by the person who owns it. Information is accumulated by the person building the program and a course is created. They build the content, hopefully, from real hands-on experience.
Most schools then higher a former teacher and give them the book to train it, this is how they have so many locations.
I always believed this is where they went wrong. Yes, some schools do have trainers with real-world experience but most have just worked in shops or for large corporations that repair. To successfully own a business in the Cell Phone Repair Industry or Computer Repair you need someone to teach you who actually have owned a business.
Our Trainers have their own businesses, I for one have owned multiple locations.
Remember the manufactures give us NO information about fixing the devices and they don’t want us fixing them, anyone who says differently is not telling you the truth. The information comes from experience, knowing people in the industry and working with those people continually, as this industry changes every day.
So basically, a cellular repair school is a place you go to work with an experienced person to find out what it takes to repair the devices but also how to navigate and earn income through this industry. So you need a place that provides Trainers who know their stuff and are not just following a book….
because anyone can teach you the hardware side but what about how to make income when Google is blocking repair keywords on Ad words?? Yea we cover the way to get around that too.
#1 Hardware Repair
So now that you know what schools actually are let’s get down to some items that you need to be sure you are getting. First and foremost, you need to be taught hardware repair for the most common issues. If you are a beginner, which is what we specialize in Training…..You need a certain type of care, you need special attention. Information can not just come at you assuming you know what terms and information mean.
We receive so many students that have attended other schools and still struggle doing repairs because they could not keep up.

Sure we don’t take Micro Soldering and throw it into a beginners course, why would we? You WILL NOT retain that information and the other information within that number of days, its way to advanced!
You also will NOT use this information
It’s been more than a year since I have even needed to micro solder anything, I don’t even waste my time doing it personally, I outsource it because I am so busy earning income in other, faster ways. Yes, we give you those special contacts.
We DO include basic soldering for things like charge ports, mics, and headphone jacks but this information you can retain as a beginner. Chris usually takes this over during class, he was an engineer for years and now owns a mobile repair business since he is semi-retired. He teaches you methodologically and makes sure you know the steps and retain the information so you can use what you have learned.
96% of your business is NON-Soldering Repairs!
#2 Software
Let’s be clear, cell phone repair is NOT like computer repair so if you have a PC repair background you’ll need to realize they are not the same. Cell Phones do not have the same issues as computers do with software. You do however need to know what software is needed to fix things like Bootlooping, lockouts, testing, carrier unlocking and forgotten passwords, which we do teach you.

We also have an amazing bonus, our InTake Pro app that we made just for Cell Phone Repair Techs. This way you won’t forget anything you need to do during a repair. Check it out…
YouTube Video Google Play-store Link (app is not on Apple)
#3 Glass LCD/LED Refurbishing
Say what you want about soldering, we know where the real money is. Most say, don’t do glass, it’s too hard, it’s not cost effective (I just laughed out loud). Do not listen to these people. Here is just 1 example:
- Repair iPhone X LED
- Part Cost $140
- Labor: $100
- Charge Customer $240
What if you did glass refurb? That part cost goes down to about $30! You also get to keep the same LED in the phone and protect the phone from any issues with serial numbers on the LED not registering with an update.
If you are feeling lost or overwhelmed right now DON’T, we are here for you, we will make sure you understand this. You can buy machines yourself or outsource to one of the vendors we give you in class. We know what you need to make HIGH-Profit margins and compete and be a leader in your market.

#4 Sales Techniques
I know some of you have owned companies or even sale but this industry is different. You need to know what customers expect, what your competition is doing, what will set you apart, how to up-sell, how to close a sale, what customers to target, how not to insult a customer, where this industry lacks so you can fill in and so much more.
It’s not like selling a car or appliance, it’s very personal. Devices are almost like family to people, they can not live without them.
#5 Support
This is not last but where we provide the most value. You will have access to our Cellboticstech site which is FREE for grads. In addition, you will be able to reach us on our Cell Phones, directly! You will have our emails and so much more!
We become your lifelong mentors for you. Just check out this page, it’s just a few success stories from some of our grads. You will see quickly that our support does not end. We talk to grads still after 5 years of training them! We help them in so many ways from growing to dominating their city.
Success Stories, Videos and Photos
Just check out the photo below of Michelle Cox our Computer Repair Trainer actually taking a Computer tech to a JOB INTERVIEW! and she got a job!! Now, most come to use to open a business but this woman wanted to work in the corporate world, and she is!

We are all about helping you make your dream a reality!
I believe we are the best school for anyone wanting to succeed in this industry. We also offer business courses for shops that are already open and for anything trying to open a business in any market.
We are the real deal, we are not magic workers, it will require work on your part but we are there with you every step of the way.. if you want it.
Choose wisely and no matter what you chose to do we want you to know that we truly want the best for you and wish you the best in your new endeavor!
Welcome to the industry!!
President and Cell Phone Repair Trainer at CellBotics
Connect with me at: Linkedin, Facebook