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Tag: cell phone repair school

Cell Phone Repair Training and Computer Repair Training

Cell Phone repair is a highly profitable industry if the business is run the right way and requires minimum investment to start with no experience; only Cell Phone Repair Training. Bearing in mind that this is a rather large industry that people are passionate about, there aren’t many good resources out there to help get you started; unless you want to break customer, devices learning on YouTube.

What does Certified Technician Mean?

Certification is granted by an authorized organization or governing body after an individual has met certain requirements, such as completing specific education or training programs, passing examinations, and demonstrating a certain level of skill and knowledge in the respective field. 

Who Services the Internet of Things IoT?

The latest buzzword in the Information Technology field is the (IoT) Internet of Things. What is the Internet or Things? “The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

STEM Diversity + Cellbotics

STEM is Information Technology, STEM needs Diversity to fuel Innovation. This is important for the growth of the world and the positive impact of living for everyone. Computer Hardware Repair and Cell Phone Repair go hand in hand with STEM and IT. With Cellbotics Training targeting youth and diverse populations the IT field will flourish with diversity.

Smartphone Repair Training

Are you interested in becoming a smartphone repair technician? Look no further than CellBotics, we offer the Smartphone Repair Training you need to be successful.

3 Ways Learning Cell Phone Repair Can Supplement Business Income

There are 3 Ways Learning Cell Phone Repair Can Supplement Business Income. Smartphones and tablets are massive commodities in the multibillion-dollar tech industry, which is growing exponentially.

3 Reasons to Sign Up for Tablet/Pad Repair Training

If you have ever considered a career in the rapidly growing field of electronics repair, or if you simply want to gain valuable skills to fix your own devices, signing up for tablet/pad repair training can be a game-changer.

Business Course

Business Course

Cellbotics is now offering a Business Course for ANYONE looking to open ANY type of business. Also, we offer a start-up bundle.

ROI Invest in Yourself

What does that mean for anyone that desires to work with technology or become an entrepreneur servicing the IOT (Internet of Things)? To truly succeed in any business, you have to invest in the services; products and people that will bring you to the pinnacle of success. Most importantly you have to Invest in Yourself!

What Repairs will I be able to do after Cell Phone Repair Training?

Want to learn how to repair a cell phone? But what repairs will I be able to do after cell phone repair training? Then, you’re in the right place! In CellBotics, the in-person cell phone repair training course is a completely hands-on course. You will learn all the core fundamentals of repair. In addition, you will also learn to replace screens, charge ports, cameras, sensors, speakers, mics, frames, and more.