North Wales PA (CellBotics Philly)
+1 888-820-6618

Smartphone Repair Training

Smartphone Repair Training

Smart Phone Repair Training

repair training

Are you interested in becoming a smartphone repair technician? Look no further than CellBotics, we offer the Smartphone Repair Training you need to be successful.


We specialize in offering a variety of courses in smartphone and tablet repairs. In addition, our repair school courses include everything from screen replacements to component identification to the most complex tasks.

Our goal is to inform our students on a level they can’t find anywhere else. Our hands-on approach guarantees that you will leave our course ready to take on any repair.

Investing in your education is investing in your success

Investing in education for smart device repairs is advantageous in today’s technical world. Nearly everyone relies on a smartphone or tablet for information and communication. It is inevitable that a persons’ device will need repair at some point in their gadget’s lifespan.

Learn How to Fix Many Smartphone Brands

In addition to the most popular brand products, we teach our students how to repair smartphones that feature all the operating systems. If you have seen it in public! We teach it!

For a full detailed list of devices covered in class check out our page:

In Conclusion, Your New Career Awaits

At the conclusion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion and be ready to take on a new role as a smartphone repair technician. Our team can help arrange job placement because we have connections at numerous locations throughout the country.

However, we strongly believe in Entrepreneurship and believe this skill set and set you up for a life of freedom. We are focused on offering real-world experience that can be applied immediately following completion from the program.

Welcome to the industry!!

Nicole Russell CellBotics CEO

Nicole Russell

President and Cell Phone Repair Trainer at CellBotics

Connect with me at: Linkedin, Facebook