Single moms can earn income in the repair industry

Truth be told this subject hits home for me. Being a high school 9th-grade drop out, single mom for as long as I have, I can relate to your struggle, although my following of the Law of Attractions asks me not to relate (HAHAHA). Somethings are easier said than done, but I do see your fix, your ability to do whatever you want, even if you can’t see it right now. So with this, I am still positively focusing on life the way I should too bring everything I want to me.
Get REAL Nicole
The first paragraph is me blabbering on but let’s get real, you are a single mom, or single dad (not to exclude the hard-working dads too). You live check to check or maybe you make a good living but want to step your game up. Enter another industry, open a business or just be able to pay your bills and then some, CellBotics is for you.
With that said, we are for those who have the drive and will power to get through what may seem hard. I always say ‘nothing worth having is easy or everyone would be doing it’ heard it somewhere, can’t remember where. I also know, that if cell phone repair or computer repair wasn’t for you, the universe would never have guided you here, just think of the path you took to even begin to think of something like this, here I go again into lala land. Focus Nicole. : )
How can a single mom do a repair business?
This is where you see the issue, fine, I come to class, I do the training but when I get home, reality hits. Kids have to be here and there and bills have to be paid, so where does it fit. I have a suggestion for you, spend a week and write down EVERYTHING you do and the amount of time it takes. You will find space, you will find items that can be removed where business time can be added. Did you know, I don’t watch TV, EVER. Well maybe I did being watch Game of Thrones, I won’t lie BUT I don’t watch TV.
When I get home, I sit with my daughter, eat and talk with her about her day, then pull my laptop out. She knows I’m working but I’m also ‘there’, I know some of you say, well that’s not really there but I have talked to my daughter since she was very young, she knows why mommy does what she does. Actually my daughter knows she’s the beneficiary of all of this drive and high income and she loves it!
Let go of TV time, stay home more and tell friends you need a few months to focus on you. Dating can take up a lot of our time too, dedicate a year to yourself and say I will get better because I will BE better after this year. I promise you won’t regret it. You can do repair on the weekends or after work hours if you work the weekends then on business days off.
How can CellBotics Cell Phone Repair Training and Computer Repair Training Help me
So I will say this, do NOT start with youtube videos, you will regret it once you have to replace a $700+ phone that you broke. Here at CellBotics Repair School, we give you all you need to get it right. Even if you are doing computers I highly recommend taking a class first. As a single parent, we don’t usually have that laying around.
We are also there to hold your hand, be the one you call at night to cry that it’s just so hard and be the ones to tell you SNAP OUT OF IT! Focus! CellBotics school is more than a Repair Training Center it becomes your business family.
Can I stop my regular job?
That’s probably what you are thinking now. We ask you to wait, dedicate a year, hustle hard and replace your income, THEN politely walk out on a busy day HAHA No not really, give notice so if you ever need it you got it again.
I was working and doing business and it was RUFF, did I say RUFFF. Look t me now, it is not always smooth but I’ve worked it out and I will NEVER go work for someone EVER again in my life because my time is worth more then they will ever pay me. Not because I have all of this skill, its because you only live once, and to live as a struggling slave to the system is no LIFE!
Star now, stop putting it off
Watch the video below and I hope I have given you some ideas and drive to make your dreams of freedom a reality. Just think, how many industries can you get in that every human in the USA could be your client or your potential client, and we teach you how to become the one they think of WHEN it breaks, just like we do when we want pizza or an auto mechanic. You can dominate your city and become the name brand, let us show you how!
Thanks for reading this far, if you did be sure to comment on the YouTube video so I can give you a special shout out! Because this was a long one! HAHAHA
Nicole Russell