How to Open a Cell Phone Repair Business

How to Open a Cell Phone Repair Business
81% of Americans own smart phones
About 81% of Americans own smartphones, according to Pew Research. Up to 96% of Americans own cellphones. These cellphones get damaged often. When cooking the cellphone can fall and crack the screen. If running in the rain, the phone can get water damage. No matter how it happened, phones commonly end up in repair shops. The high number of people owning smartphones, who need repairs, would all like to get reliable repair services from a trained tech.
Starting a business where you repair cellphones is a great idea! You have a ready market, almost ever American can be a customer now or in the future. Many people rely on their phones for everyday life. They use apps to pay for bills, call other people, take photos, have fun when board and many other applications where they need their cell phone working properly. It is cheaper to repair a cellphone than replacing it. You will never go wrong if you start a reliable cell phone repair company in your area.
How to Open a Cell Phone Repair Business
1. Sign up for a CellBotics
Before you start you cell phone repair company, you need to get the basics right. Sing up at CellBotics, and you will get trained on how to run the business properly. At you get to learn from the experts on what you are supposed to do so that you can achieve the best results when running the business.
If you already do repair and have started the business, but you are still struggling. You can visit, and you will find video courses with tips on what you are supposed to do to get the business running well and do a proper repair. Our courses are arranged, so it will make it easy for you to master several levels to starting your business and repair. Our courses have been carefully designed to make the highest impact and ensure the student’s success if they follow our processes to the T.
2. Decide on a budget
Of course, you need some funds to start the business. There are some tools you will need to buy and if you want a location, you need funds to pay for space. We do teach you howe to start mobile, from home or fixing at local places. When you decide to start from your home, you will have to start with around $1000-$500. This will go to a small startup inventory, marketing and tools, with the bulk going to marketing.
If you opt to start a repair shop location, you will have to part with up to $20,000, give or take depending on-site location and space design. The cost is high depending on the cost of renting the space and other issues that will require you to pay may. When renting a space location is extremely important, not the square footage. We teach you all about this and how to negotiate rates. There are some places where you will have to pay a lot of money in space.
You can research around locate a place where you can afford, smaller but good location with an anchor store. Ensure you research on the location where you intend to start the shop. A place where there are several other repair shops will mean you will have to face a lot of competition. You can succeed in any location provided you invest well in the marketing strategy but having high traffic helps lower marketing cost. There are several methods you can apply to make people know where your place is, and we teach you all of that in class.
3. Buy proper tools
There are several tools you need to start a cellphone repair shop. You can check out CellBotics on YouTube for suggested tools. The channel has several tools you will learn on how to use in class. You will need tools such as a fluke multimeter, micro tips, an antistatic mat (ESD Mat), and a nice name-brand tool kit. These items are all available at different prices. Some brands are of the highest quality and when it comes to drivers, this is extremely important.
You will have to check out the several brands and compare them to decide on the best fit for your repair business. Nowadays, it is easy to get the tools but what about quality parts? You can order them online but need reputable vendors, we give you those in class or on These vendors also give you discounts for being a graduate of our program.
4. Buy minimal inventory and accessories
When repairing cell phones, you will need parts. For instance, when a cell phone drops, its screen cracks, you need a screen to replace it. You can research the popular cellphone brands in your location and get a few of the accessories and parts that require regular replacements. Apart from having the inventory, you should research and know places where you can order the accessories and get them within the shortest time. If you take the CellBotics in person or online course, we provide you with all of this information. Only buy a few parts that will make it easy to repair the phones fast. For parts it is important to start with minimum order until you figure out what device is in demand in your area. You can have a $1million in parts but if you don’t start your business properly and focus on marketing, ads and visibility, no one will come to buy repairs for those parts and they loose value quick! We go over this in detail in class. You need a very small order and we give you that small order suggestion.
5. Start a website, only if you plan to do SEO
It is essential to start a website for your cellphone repair company but only if you invest in learning to rank it or pay someone to rank it, SEO. There are several digital marketing tactics you can employ, and they will require a website. As you research how to open a cell phone repair business, you should invest in a professional website. In our courses we provide companies and people who do web design. You can learn yourself, but it takes time and patience. You can also try where we have a step-by-step course on how to build your own repair website in WordPress.
Think of your own shopping habits, if you are looking for a local service that you do not know some place for already, what do you do? You may open maps or your phones browser and type in something like ‘tire shop near me’, ‘cell phone repair stores’. How do you show for those terms? It’s a combination of things, sad to say, not just 1 thing will work. Your business will look legit if you have a professional-looking website, which automatically builds trust.
SEO and marketing experts know how to customize the website so that it can show to people searching for your main services. They use things such as local SEO tactics, blog posts, keyword pages and more! Here at CellBotics we also provide these services to our students. We design websites for them, for a small fee and can even manage their SEO. Take any of our courses and you will have access to these services. We also provide other vendors who do this, so you do not have to use us if you do not want too.
6. Blanket your area
This is FUN! You have 1 city to blanket! I loved this part the most because it wasn’t online and wasn’t actually hard to do. I also got out and spoke to people and networked locally which I enjoy. You need to print flyers, to posters to yard signs. Go all over your area and put your stuff EVERYWHERE! Talk to local business owners like coffee shops and post up your stuff. Laundry mats, mechanics, hair salons, gas stations, you name it! For yard signs call the local police department and ask what the law is on this. They have days signs can be put out and you need to put them up and take them back before they trash them each week.
7. Network with those who came before you
Other people have already been established in this business. You can learn a lot about the business if you network and get to learn from them. Most repair people in your area might not be open to working with you or may be rude. However, there are online platforms and CellBotics hosts a Mastermind and support Facebook group. Check out for details or to join.
You will then be surrounded by fellow repair people and even work in a learning environment via zoom with trainers like myself, Nicole Russell and others like Michelle Cox. Being around others on the same path as you but not the same city can offer you insights into the smartphone repair business world. You can learn skills from them, and it will contribute towards improving your business. Through networking, you will get such a large understanding of this industry and motivation, you may even be motivation to someone else one day!
The flip side to networking is business networking. You can get B2B clients by working with local businesses.
Pick your business name
People go wrong here all the time. So many people are excited to own a business so they name it after themselves. DO not name your business after yourself, you are not your business. Your business is a free-standing object to earn you wealth. Create a unique name that no one has.
9. Basic certification course
Some smartphone owners would like to hire fully certified experts for the services. Enrolling in a certification course is the best idea. It will make it easy to win the trust of people. During the certification process, there are some tricks you can learn, and they will contribute towards making you achieve the best results when working on cell phones. Ensure you enroll in a course such as CellBotics so that you can get the best deals. Our company has a good reputation for offering the best training to prepare you for the best phone repair shop running experience. We take you 0 to 60 in 4 – 8 days!
10. Create a price sheet of your services
You may be thinking, well if I come to class don’t I get a list of what to charge? Yes and no, see prices vary city to city. You have to match your competition. One thing we do go over with you in class is how to go about accumulating the prices you’ll match and how to keep it updated. Either way, you need to price hunt. Act as a potential customer and ask you to be competitive with their prices. Get friends and family help, since you can’t ask for all model repairs in one phone call.
11. Get insurance for your business
You will like to secure your investments. Things can happen, and you end up losing other people’s electronics, and you are held liable. You can take different forms of insurance, and they will contribute towards making you enjoy peace of mind. Research on the best insurance companies and their policies then get one that will secure your business. If you decide to have inventory and other accessories used to repair the phones, you will be in better hands if you can take the necessary steps and invest in an insurance policy. It will offer you compensation in case you lose something. Remember you will take a lot of time and resources to come up with the phone repair shop. Ensure you safeguard it in case something wrong can happen. The insurance company we love the most is Hiscox.
12. Get Legal Documents.
You will require permits and other legal documents you run the business in a given location. Ensure you visit the local authorities that authorize the business and get all the necessary documentation. In some cases, you will have to file tax forms and other requirements when running the business. Ensure you follow all the necessary legal steps when starting your business to avoid cases where you can land in trouble during the assessment of companies. Remember you can end up paying a lot of money in the form of taxes if you can go for shortcuts when starting your business.
Simply contact your local tax collector for details.
13. Choose entity type.
This can be tricky, which is best? LLC? Corporation? The list is long and confusing. You should consult with a tax professional before selecting. Try sites such as JustAsk. Most people chose LLC but there are reasons why. And never register a business unless you are 100% sure you are ready to move forward. Once you create a business with the government, no matter income or no income, you must file taxes for it. Then if you close it, you must file dissolution documents. Do proper research and choose wisely.
14. Choose a suitable location
There are strategic locations in your area where people will easily notice your business. To get customers easily, you should invest in a location where it will be easy to attract as many customers as possible. The best place to set up the business is where there is high traffic. Some would prefer starting the business from their homes before they can move to open a shop in high traffic areas. When running the repair shop from home, you can set aside a room to concentrate and repair the devices. Online advertising will play a great role in attracting customers to your given location if you decide to run the business from home.
Make sure any space you pick is an amazing location, a good anchor store, and not too big. Try speaking to a commercial realtor, they are free for you.
15. Have a business plan
There are several things you would like to do, and they will require money. The business plan will outline the several steps you intend to take and the funds required. Writing a business plan is very necessary in case you would like to get a loan from a bank or an organization that can finance your startup. Follow the right procedure when writing the business plan, and it will appear professional to you so that you can realize the best results as you run the business. There are several templates you can follow in coming up with the business plan. Having a professional business plan will contribute towards making you realize the best results in your business venture.
16. Give the shop a unique look
Your cellphone repair shop should stay unique. People would like to single out the repair shop from the competitors. Use unique logos and colours for your business. You may have to use banners and fliers for the physical shop that will make the shop look unique. Hire a branding expert who will come up with the right strategy to make the shop look unique. When designing the website, ensure you follow the right steps and maintain the same colour for your business. The website will represent an online shop. Make people get the real idea of what they will expect to see after they visit the shop. You can take photos of your local shop and upload so that those who will be directed to your shop from online sources can easily track it and do business with you.
17. Invest in local SEO
After you have developed a business website, then you need to budget for digital marketing. You can utilize PPC (Pay per click) marketing strategy. Populate your area with ads that will make people land on your business website. You can focus on marketing within a 10-mile radius of your business, and you will attract customers. People prefer high-quality repair, not just the cheapest, keep that in mind when running ads. Try to provide high-quality cellphone repair services, and you will attract return customers. Involve an expert when coming up with ads. You can check out for courses about running these ads. Google currently (as of Feb 2021) has a block on many cell phone repair keywords, so you need someone who knows how to bypass this. In our courses, we give you multiple marketing companies that has the secret sauce to bypass the Google keyword block. If you do not start and manage ads properly you will lose a lot of money, heed our warning.
18. Leverage social media
You can utilize social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok and others to attract sales. Many people engage on social platforms, and they will be ready to visit your site if you can be active on the sites. Use attractive bonuses when on social media, and you will find many people visiting your store. Ensure you invest in hiring the best experts in your shop in case there is more work. People will start discussing your shop on social platforms and attracting more people if you can take time and invest in the forum. It is a simple strategy you can apply, and it will play a significant role in making you achieve the best results.
19. Advertise on forum and blogs
Your smartphone repair shop should be known to many people who are looking for cellphone repair services. Advertise the services on blogs and forums where people in your given location interact. The marketing budget on the forums may be small, but they will make you realize the best results. Take time to research around, and it will be easy for you to get the best forums where you can list your business, and it will attract many leads. Some blogs will have a lot of traffic, requiring you to pay a premium price. Assess the type of traffic before buying. The best sites to consider should focus on phone repair keywords. It is easy to achieve the best results from your digital advertisements if you can take time to research and invest in the right strategy. Hire experts, and they will advise on the best methods you can follow to realize the best results in your advertisement strategies.
20. Offer incentives
You will start receiving customers to your phone repair site after you carry out effective marketing camping. You can make the customers keep on returning if you can offer incentives. For instance, you can use as your past customers to refer their friends who need their phones repaired, and you will offer them some bonuses after you get to improve the shop. There are several types of incentives you can offer, and they will contribute towards growing your business. Ensure you come up with incentives that will make people prefer your business. Your past customers can have family members who need urgent iPhone repair. You can offer them discounts for the return customers. If you can come up with attractive incentives, it will be easy to grow your brand in a given area and start attracting many businesses to your given location.
21. Stay to date on the cell phone industry
The cell phone industry keeps updating, almost daily we hear something new. You will realize cell phones that were used five years ago are very different from cell phones used nowadays. Ensure you check out the recent news about smartphone technology. You will be dealing with both the hardware and software of the smartphones. The latest operating systems will have unique challenges that you will have to solve for your customers. To be in the best position to assure your customers the best deals, ensure you research the latest technology and update it. You will know the right accessories to have in stock to repair the latest smartphones if you can stay updated on the latest technology. Search on Google and find relevant websites.
22. Research the competition
Other people have been already established in the business. You would like to come up with ways of competing. Ensure you research around and locate the best strategies that you can apply to beat the competition. In your research, ensure you check out the quality of services they offer, pricing structure, and location. You will beat the competition if you can invest in strategies that will make your services better. Carrying out business research is the best way to go about it if you want to achieve your research’s best results.
The above are the best strategies you can employ to grow your cellphone repair business. They are effective strategies you can follow. Investing in a smartphone repair business will be a great deal. There are several people out there using cell phones, and they would like to get the best repair services. The devices develop complications due to different reasons, and the owners would like to get them repaired as fast as possible.
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