CellBotics Interview Series: Rob Link with Repair.org

CellBotics Interview Series: Rob Link with Repair.org
Hey, future techs and tech grads! Nicole here!
So Michelle and I have come up with an idea that we think you will like! We will be interviewing different people across the industry for cell phones and computers and posting the interviews for you to watch.
The first of many is Rob Link with Repair.org. Repair.org is the driving force behind the Right to Repair Act and Rob is a key member in the growth, awareness, and outcome within it. Rob happened to send out an invite for an informal meeting while he was passing through Atlanta and Michelle and I took the opportunity to interview him with you in mind.
Video Edits
I feel like I have to say during the video is a part where we ask what is the industry looking like for people entering it and right as he starts to answer a person walks in from the building we were in and needed to hand over some cables. So there is only 1 cut and that is what we cut out. Right after the person left we started right back up so don’t worry, we did not cut any content out of this video. We would NEVER alter someone’s responses.
Talking Points
Here is a list of questions we asked
- For people entering the industry, what does the Right to Repair mean for them VS the end-user?
- Where do you see the repair industry going as far as making money in the industry
- What are his thoughts on the Apple IRP Program?
In Conclusion
This chat was fun and informative. Rob is an amazing businessman with TONS of experience in this industry. He and Repair.org are set on standing up for Independent repair shops and we are very excited to be promoting their cause. We will talk about it in class and how you can get involved. Sign up today and join this amazing, lucrative industry!
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Nicole Russell Cell Phone Repair Trainer and President at Cellbotics.com