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Doubt and Your New Career in Computer Repair

Doubt and Your New Career in Computer Repair

Have you thought about what it takes to do computer repair?

Do you love Computer Technology, but have been afraid, because your family and/or friends keep shooting down your dreams of repairing computer hardware because of their fear? Did you know computers have been around since the fifties? Computer hardware was first used for business and aerospace applications.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs

As a matter of fact, when Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (yes they worked together) approached IBM, they were told that there was not a market for the personal computer. We all know how that has worked out. Personal Computers aka Desktops are in almost every home. Let’s not forget laptops, which, In the third quarter of 2019, Lenovo shipped 16.8 million personal computers worldwide, narrowly surpassing HP’s 15.26 million shipments in that same quarter.

Cell Phones vs Computers

Interesting Fact: Cell phones are so powerful, so much so that today’s cell phone has more computing power than the Mainframe servers that took up entire rooms. Both Apple and Microsoft are giants in the technology industry, computer, and phone.

Let’s look at the numbers

Here are some numbers for you to digest. By 2025 their will be over 20 billion computer hardware devices in use as part of the IoT (Internet of Things). This is mind-boggling, right? So if you are getting excited about learning about computer hardware repair, you truly have a lot to be excited about! This is the time for you to make your dream a reality.

In Conclusion

Ignore the doubt from your family and friends. The CompTIA A+ certification is a great beginning and start for anyone looking to get into Computer Hardware Repair as part of the Information Technology industry. Stop dreaming and start your career today. Companies like Dell, HP, Lenovo, IBM, Apple, and Microsoft are looking for talented individuals every day. I wish you much success on your IT journey.

Attend CellBotics Computer Repair Course and Prep for the hardware piece of the CompTIA A+ Certification. Our course is 40 hours in person and a 60-hour video course, we got you covered on your journey into Computer Repair.

Michelle, The Computer Lady

Michelle Cox Computer Repair Trainer at CellBotics
Michelle Cox Computer Repair Trainer at CellBotics