What is Micro Soldering?

What is Micro Soldering?
A quick Google search for this topic will review this explanation, but really, what does Micro Soldering mean for someone entering the industry VS someone whos been repairing for 5 years?
Micro soldering is a complicated technique that is used to fix phones. As you already know that soldering is a process where you melt a soft metal in order to join something and hold it in place. It is used in connecting wires, repairing tech devices, even musical instruments and almost everything in…

Micro Soldering in the Cell Phone World
In the cell phone repair world, micro soldering is used normally on a B2B basis where micro solders are used by shops for that once in a while situations. Micro soldering is chip or board-level soldering and is NOT required to repair components and replace common parts. Back in the ‘old’ flip phone days, you needed soldering to even keep your doors open, now it is extremely optional.
Examples of repairs a micro solderer might do for a shop:
- Audio IC Repair – This is a build issue from Apple found in some iPhone 7/7P and is board level
- Damaged connector by a new tech not careful with tools
- Baseband issues
- TriStar Chip, this is rare damage that occurs when a charger malfunctions and damages the charge feature in the phone
- No image damage by techs that are new
- Short to ground
- Boards that are eaten by corrosion
- and other issues, we could not list them all
You may be thinking. WOW, these sound like things I will need to fix! Truth be told these are things you will rarely run into. Yes soldering is good and you will eventually want to do it BUT everyone starts somewhere and you need a good base to be successful. Anyone who says they can teach a beginner ALL the things they need to know to be successful AND micro soldering is a FAKE and is only taking your money.

Who is Micro Soldering for?
It’s for you after you have been doing a repair for at least a year, solid. It’s for the shop owner who has allot of turn over and needs to fix items his green techs break. Its for the repair guy who wants to close his shop and work from home, as your business will come by mail this is a good option.
I’m new, where does this affect me?
Being new to the industry, your start is KEY to your success. You are very prone to scams right now and being taken advantage of by ‘training programs’ that are not legit and don’t provide a true path to success. CellBotics is not the only school but there is just a handful. You need to know a few key points about where you are now:
- You have ALLOT to learn
- You need to learn what you need to start, open and be profitable to be able to go into the other areas in the industry
- Micro Soldering is just 1 option, there are a few other advanced skills that you add later
- Just like any industry, there are levels but if you don’t get the first few steps then you will never do the rest
- Learning EVERYTHING you need and getting hands-on training can not be done as a beginner and have Micro Soldering, Refurb and so much more all at the same time, its too much info
- There are only 3 micro soldering programs in the country recommended for the Cell Phone Repair Industry, we give you those in class
- We do give basic to soldering for items like charge ports, so don’t worry about that, yes you’ll be able to solder after leaving class
- You will need a lot of hand-holding after your training so be sure to pick a school that has support in place and proven results (look at reviews!)
- We give you master micro solders direct contact info in case you ever need to use them you can just call them up. Contacts are one of the HUGE bonuses in this industry as its allot of who you know.

Since it’s not for me now, then when?
During your training with CellBotics we have a process called ‘Find the need’ its featured on our Business Course Day taken in the Cell Phone Course, Device masters or stand-alone. So we basically have a tracking process we teach you then in 1 month you contact us and we review the data with you. Each month we help you find ways to improve your business with this data. One of those topics is improving your business.
We will systematically prove to you if these other services would make you money or not, we NEVER suggest just diving in. We are here to support you and run the numbers with you. Micro Soldering is around about $7,000 investment after training, supplies, and tools so it’s not to be taken lightly.

Will CellBotics ever offer Micro Soldering?
Yes! In late 2020 beginning 2021, we have plans to bring on an AMAZING trainer! He is moving to our location and we are working out the details. This trainer has owned a repair shop for phones and computers for 5 years and actually trained with us when he started! So he knows our company culture of being patient, true and supportive.
If you sign up for our EBook then we will be sending out emails to those email addresses once we launch the program. Our grads from our beginner programs will receive special discounts that no one else will. For those of you who can’t wait we have some resources below. If you are a beginner, get your tail into our class so you are ready for it by 2021!
In Conclusion
Trust us, we know what we are talking about. We have more than a decade of training and have tons of shop owners under our wing. We are NOT a fly by night, train you in the back of a store, school We are a legit training center with legit instructors who have been where you are.
Still, want to talk to someone before booking class? That’s fine, schedule a Pre-Class FREE call with us at (after class you get unlimited FREE calls for life!): https://cellbotics.com/consultation-booking/
- benatav.com/what-is-micro-soldering
- https://www.microsolderingrepairs.com/blog/whatismicrosoldering
- https://certifiederepair.com/what-is-micro-soldering-and-why-do-you-need-it/
- https://www.myphilliewireless.com/blog/2019/12/5/what-is-micro-soldering-and-when-is-it-helpful
- https://certifiederepair.com/micro-soldering-cell-repair/
Our friends at ProFixer offer an online version, check it out! We have other courses to tell you about in our class but they are all in person and start at $2000 a week. ProFixer also gives our grads a special like once they graduate for a FREE course and a HUGE discount on online courses. Those schools are: https://www.ipadrehab.com/index.cfm?Page=Practical-Board-Repair-School Ask for Jessa and let her know we referred you, https://microsolderingcourse.com/ Ask for Loren and let him know we sent you.
I hope this post was informative and I really hope we get the chance to work with you!
Nicole Russell
Cell Phone Trainer and President of CellBotics

Check out these pages:
https://cellbotics.com/cell-phone-repair-training-reviews/ , https://cellbotics.com/cellbotics-partnership-and-icracked-partnership/ , https://cellbotics.com/videos-from-the-trainers/ or Register for our class here: https://cellbotics.com/cell-phone-repair-courses-all-schedules/ and be sure to signup for our Ebook and discounts: https://cellbotics.com/cellbotics-landing/