Where to Find the Best Cell Phone Repair Technician Training

Where to Find the Best Cell Phone Repair Technician Training?
The business of cell phone repair can be incredibly lucrative as long as you go through the best training program that you can find. If you are looking for a cell phone repair training course, CellBotics is the best place to go. Here are 3 of the reasons you should choose us for what is likely to be a huge career-maker for you.
Of course, we are biased and understand that you are reading this to find out where all the schools are, so we also included some info on this. We are located in Philadelphia, PA, and Atlanta, GA. People fly from all over the world to take our course and we provide stellar service.
Up-to-Date Technology and Material
If you are calling around looking for courses that provide repair training for cell phones, you are probably finding a lot of information about schools that have been in the business for quite a few years. Sadly, we’ve found that many of the older schools out there have outdated training.
Although we might not be the biggest or the longest-standing contender out there, we have the most up-to-date technology and training materials available. In addition, we have also refined our tried-and-true teaching methods in order to prepare our students to become the most successful cell phone repair technicians.
Hands-on Training
There are a lot of different courses that you can choose from that will all offer different training styles and methods. You will not find many that offer the same type of hands-on training that we use. As one example, most other schools train students using a projector screen, but not at CellBotics, we are the only one that offers completely hands-on training. We also offer smaller class sizes, no more than 10, other training programs are all about QTY and not quality. With fewer students, we can afford more in-depth training to ensure students leave our program with the most direct training.
Well-Rounded Training
A lot of other courses are going to offer training on one particular brand of phone but when trying to find the Best Cell Phone Repair Technician Training you need more. CellBotics offer students the opportunity to repair phones and replace cracked screens on all different types of phones and tablets using a variety of methods. We understand that the method that one student prefers is not going to be the most effective way to repair the product for a different student. In addition, we understand the need that students have to do what works best for them. We use a lot of different tools and teach repairs for all different makes and models so that students can learn the technique that works best for them.
How do we know we are the best?
Sadly, we know this from the numerous students who have paid for our course AFTER paying and attending another. Multiple students thanked us for filling in where they were severely shorted elsewhere. Students who have spent THOUSANDS starting out have been burned when they leave and can’t fix a simple charge port.

Tips to not get burned
We understand you have a free choice to choose where ever to go. Here are some tips when looking for a Cell Phone Repair Training Center School. Look on Google.com for Cell Phone Repair Training. Onc the search results pull up and you visit different websites, write their names down. Now go to Facebook and search them up and read reviews. Also, visit Google Business Listings and read their Google reviews, you can do this on Maps as well.
Fake and Required Reviews
Have you looked around and seen schools with videos of students IN CLASS?? Yea, guess what… they had to make that video last day of class to get their certificates. I can see your face now, that’s not right, I agree. In addition, how can someone leave a review when they don’t know whether what they learned will work or not?? It’s terrible. Here at CellBotics, ALL reviews are optional, students do this after class once they have left and have used the training. Furthermore, many schools also type their reviews not hire websites, and never trust those.
Follow up help
One of your biggest needs will help after class. I can not stress this enough. You will forget things from the class, you will run into issues, and you will need pro help. Look for extensive details on their follow-up support. Here at CellBotics, we have CellBoticsTech.com, our Facebook Grad Group, Support Email, and Support 888#. You can call trainers directly anytime on their cell phones.
In conclusion
When you are trying to find the Best Cell Phone Repair Technician Training; keep an eye out for those fake reviews and forced videos. Check out reviews and photos. Visit social media pages and map listings. Be empowered and select a school that will best help you. Look for follow-up support and helpful trainers who got your back. Skip all the work and just BOOK NOW here at CellBotics, you won’t regret it!
Thank you for reading my post! See you in class.
Nicole Russell
Cell Phone Trainer and President of CellBotics

Check out these pages:
https://cellbotics.com/cell-phone-repair-training-reviews/ , https://cellbotics.com/cellbotics-partnership-and-icracked-partnership/ , https://cellbotics.com/videos-from-the-trainers/ or Register for our class here: https://cellbotics.com/cell-phone-repair-courses-all-schedules/ and be sure to signup for our Ebook and discounts: https://cellbotics.com/cellbotics-landing/