Possible Jobs for Device Masters Grads

Possible Jobs for Device Masters Grads
I have received a question about Computer Repair Training and Device Master Training; What job can I get? Why should I be interested in this type of Training? First answer is; People Need You; to service their equipment. Second; it’s a great career! That’s right I said career; not just a job. Third; you can start and operate your own business if working in Corporate America is not your cup of tea.
There is one constant with electronic devices, they get damaged; broken; or need upgrades and that means opportunities. I have a student currently taking my course and he told me; that employers are waiting for him to return with the technical computer knowledge to complete repairs so they can have him perform service calls. Isn’t that great to have people that need and desire you contacting you to give you money? Wow!!!! Here are some of the careers CellBotics Device Master grads can work in.
1. IT Support Technician
2. Help Desk Support Technician
3. Field Service Support Technician
4. IT Security Technician
5. In Home Computer Support Technician
6. Retail A+ Computer Technician
7. Technical Support Representative
8. Disaster Recovery Support Technician
9. Printer Maintenance Technician
A simple search for any of these on Indeed.com, Monster.com and other highly recognized job boards will prove the need for this skill. I also have helped grads in the past by speaking directly to potential employers about their course, what they learned and how they performed. Check our Shelbys review on the Success Stories page, she earned $28 an hour PLUS $125 per diem and since that review is FULL TIME and permanent with the company at $31 an hour! Wow!
Now that I have your attention; let’s talk about CellBotics Performance Training. You need hands-on training to have an employer seeking dynamic results consider you. We are Work Ready Engineers; that provide hands-on Computer Repair Training and our students receive dynamic results. Their future begins now; we have classes available, check out our course schedule to see which time is right for them.
Contact me anytime and be sure to follow me on Social Media,
Michelle, The Computer Lady

Computer Instructor, STEM Book Writer (Google me! Michelle the Computer Lady)
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