Open a Cell Phone Repair Shop and earn income
Open a Cell Phone Repair Shop and earn income
If the ‘open a Cell Phone Repair Shop’ is on your bucket list of things you need to do, you are on the right website! We have all the info you need! Now could never be a better time to open a cell phone repair shop. Now, is any day… not specific to today… because the repair industry is always booming! It is an industry that has a net worth of billion dollars and still advancing. The highlight of this business is having basic knowledge about cell phone repairing and the minimum investment to start. Most of our grads start out with just a few hundred bucks repairing from home or mobile but we know you are one who wants to open a cell phone repair shop where people can walk in and shop their hearts out.
Opening up a shop can be life-changing
Expert says that around 35% of the people who use mobile phones often use them with a broken screen or some minor defects which allows the mobile repairing industry to be so successfully lucrative. One way to start is by taking the Cell Phone Repair Training or Device Master Repair Course from us! We teach you everything you need to know to open a shop, run ads, open an LLC, buy parts and inventories, resell, refurb, buy devices locally, and much more.
Cost overviews
Once the planning is done you can focus on the cost you will incur while doing business. Once you open a cell phone repair shop your revenue will be comfortable enough to easily cost costs, so don’t be hesitant.
Cost breakdown
- Parts $500+
- Tools $200+
- Renting Space (Must be a high traffic area, we go over this in class) $1500+ a month + deposit
- Utilities $150+ a month
- Fixtures $400+
- Advertising (should be your main focus) $500+
- Website Design $350+
- Print Materials $150+
- Signage for your space $500+
- Space touch up to fit your brand $500+
- Business Insurance (does not cover bad repairs) AVG $30 a month

- Having a workstation desk is a must and we give you the blueprint to make your desk for less than $60 or you can buy any work desk from a thrift store and save some money, no need to splurge when you are just starting. If you do have a big budget, we rather you spend money on ads.
- Display cases are a must for your walk-in customers to view the product you have for sale. You can find used ones on craigslist or buy them new online.
Optional Equipment
We put $200 for tools that’s because the basic tools to repair is a very shortlist. There is, however, larger equipment you can POSSIBLY get later, but DO NOT let this deter you! This equipment is NOT required but if you had it would add 2-4 more income streams to your cell phone repair shop. Think of these machines as something to look forward to and plan as your shop grows.
- Laser Machine for backglass and engraving: $2,000 (can do back glass without, will explain in class)
- Screen Refurb machines so you can service other shops across the county and lower your overhead: $10,000
- Micro Soldering Set Up so you can service shops all over the country and fix extremely water damaged and shorted boards: $7,000

Part Inventory
A basic phone accessories and part inventory purchase may add up from $150 into the thousands depending on your budget. I know… you are saying, But Nicole what do I NEED, what must I HAVE to operate? You only need a very small order that is around $300 in parts. You actually don’t need accessories in your shop when you open. Again, this can be another item you work towards.
Parts that we suggest you stock when you open are for Apple. After you have been open a month or so you will then have more money and a better understanding of what repairs you need parts for. Until that time comes you order parts as needed, yes, this is the best way to do it! If you run out and buy thousands in parts that no one comes in for repair, you lose money! Parts lose value quickly.
Choosing which form of business entity is best
All types of entities have their advantages and disadvantages depending upon the liability, however, it is better to list all the pros and cons of each business entity and choose the one that is best suitable for you, after deciding you can legalize your business and register for your state taxes. Most people open an LLC but it is best to consult a tax pro. Most states have a low fee to create a LLC and we give you steps so don’t pay anyone just yet you make your company.
Cost depends upon location and city
Cost depends upon location and city, but you are looking around $6,000 and up to open a shop. Setting up a location that has a high traffic area will be optimum to naturally spread a positive word of mouth and busy customers can easily visit the store for repairing their cell phones. This will be a good opportunity for you to acquire more customers and increase revenue. Easy in and out, parking, an anchor store, and street visibility are all things we think of.

Marketing is KING!
When sorting out the cost to open a cell phone repair shop, setting up the location is the brain of business then marketing and promotion should be the skeleton of it. Turning visitors to customers should be the key factor for you to be successful in your business. In today’s world, businesses dominate their area when they have a strong online presence. One way to start is by putting your business all over social media and having a good website designed. Initially, you can start by distributing flyers to uplift your visibility, but your online presence is very important.
Make your customers find you first by creating a website
Websites are very important, just as important, and social media. One thing most don’t know is that SEO is even more important, or your website is pointless. You need partners to ensure your website is done correctly so you show up when some one searches ‘cell phone repair’ in your city. We give you industry leaders who focus online on the repair industry. Their prices are also VERY competitive.
Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, and Facebook can be a great way for you to advertise your business by uploading videos and images of your repairs, posting reviews and other items that will capture more audience. Not into social media? Well you will now! Don’t worry we have places you can hire a very inexpensive person to manage this for you, some as cheap as $5!!

Free advertisement
Leveraging the power of free advertising can be a benefit or waste of time. Facebook wont just send people to your page, you must do some sort of paid ads to boost likes or invite everyone to your page and ask people to share it. Craigslist is spammy and people can be afraid of it but it still can be a good place to post. There are also apps you can sell items on and we give you our secret to posting repair on these platforms WITHOUT GETTING THE AD REMOVED! Yes, we have the secret!
Make your business safe by getting insurance
The general liability insurance will cover any kind of unexpected damages rocket inside the repairing shop. Worker insurance deals with the cost of employees if they are injured during the job. Property insurance will cover the whole building and every equipment that is held inside it is damaged due to fire or natural disasters.
You can earn more than $15,000+ a month profit!
The high-profit margin from repairing cell phones and the revenue you make by repairing one cell phone can easily multiply. On average if you profit $80 per repair and end up fixing 10 cell phones in a week (this is very low) the profit stands up to $800 per week that you can take your overhead out of. Depending upon the device and the time you spend it is quite a good offer to make $80 profit but this price increases as the device release date is newer. For example, we earn around $200 a repair to fix an XS Max or newer. As far as time to repair, just because our labor profit side of the fee charged increased does not mean our time did. Most repairs are 15 – 45 minutes.
Ubreakifix and CPR do 12-25 repairs a day
They are good competitors and learning some tips and tricks from them might not be a bad idea. We give you access to a person who was apart of the first CPRs way back when. He also assisted the franchise companies in the growth they now have. He is an amazing contact and have a bird’s eye view that most do not! These shops are doing $1500+ a day, you do the math. Brand recognition and commercial accounts set them apart. We teach you about both! Do not be afraid of the franchises, you can dominate your area and command profit with your customer service, items for sale and convenience. We teach you all about this in class.
You can serve your community
One thing we stress in class is making your business a known figure in the community. You will work with walk in clients but also schools, small businesses, warehouses and more. You will be seen and become a well know business in your community.
The benefits the owner enjoys
The business is evergreen it will never go out of the market. People will buy cell phones and visit repairing shops every day forever, therefore, the main thing you need to focus is on how to say ahead from competitors without losing your profit. We talk about many ways to stay ahead of the game in class. Once the cell phone repair shop is running like a well-oiled machine the owners will enjoy financial freedom like never before. You can travel and have techs wore king for you or expand and open multiple shops quickly.

Some drawbacks
Not everything is peaches and cream in the cell phone repair industry, but nothing worth having doesn’t come with some sacrifice and work or everyone would be financially free. Some draw backs may be:
- This business requires real effort and drive, you can’t half ass it
- Time, starting out you are a slave to your business and clients. You will need to prepare yourself for at least 1 year of none stop working day and night 7 days a week. Opening a cell phone repair shop is not like a mobile business.
In Conclusion
If you want to open a cell phone repair shop opportunity is all around you every day. Every time you see a person on a phone or device think, they could need me now or in the future. People buying phones regularly like clockwork and breaking them at the same speed. This evergreen business has a lower cost of entry and a better profit margin than most business on the market today, this is no pyramid scheme this is a true-blue business and essential industry. Book class today and stop waiting!!
Thank you for reading my blog! See you in class!
Nicole Russell
Cell Phone Trainer and President of CellBotics

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