How much can you profit with a iPhone X screen repair?

How much can you profit with a iPhone X screen repair?
I’ve had so many people ask me to breakdown repairs and how much you earn during repair. So I want to take the time to breakdown multiple different repairs and how much stores optionally earn off of them. During each one of these blogs I will break down the cost of the part when this blog was currently posted and different repair options.
I will also breakdown how this relates to our training and what you will learn in the class. Please keep in mind when the blog post was made part prices do fall when new devices come out. Another reason parts go down in price is due to new types of repair services. For example when refurb was becoming mainstream this created an optional lower part cost option .
So with that said if when you are reading this blog there are new processes an options please keep that in mind. Currently as of this date for the iPhone a screen repair is top part of the phone which would also be called glass with LED, creating what is call an assembly.
There are multiple ways a screen which is not actually a part the part is actually called an assembly. An assembly can be broken in 1 or multiple of these 3 ways:
- Glass top cracked, customer still uses the device
- Touch is broken, called the digitizer or digitizer as spelt differently on different platforms
- Picture cracked, which that part is called LED.
*please keep in mind all of these layers are sandwiched together to create the assembly
Now that you know the three ways a customer can make come to you with their phone in a certain condition let us talk about one more interesting fact. You may not know this, but some shops offer a cheaper type of screen for the iPhone X and newer devices it’s called an LCD. Unfortunately, if you put an LCD into an iPhone X or newer you are changing the build specifications for that device set by Apple.
Here at Cellbotics we do not offer the LCD version of the assembly for this simple fact that we want to return the device to its original factory specifications. With that being said, it is a shop’s discretion as to what parts they feel are best and since the cell phone industry is not a regulated industry and there is no one set standard this is perfectly normal.
If you want to understand the difference between an LCD and an LED screen click this link to read more about that. So why would someone choose to take an LED assembly out of a phone and put an LCD into the phone? This normally has to do with price because an LED is always going to be a better quality than an LCD, so it is not some sort of upgrade, it is a downgrade. So no it is not wrong to put an LCD where an LED was especially if the customer is more concerned about price then the look and feel of the use of the phone.
However, at CellBotics we do believe that customers should be educated about this before installing the lower grade assembly but again this is up to the discretion of the technician and or shop owner.
While in the CellBotics Cell Phone Repair Course or Device Masters Course we teach students how to properly inform their customers and we stress the high importance of customer service. You will not leave being confused about how to work with your customers, rest assured we want the best for you and for your customers. Now on to the point of my blog post, how much can you earn repairing the screen on an iPhone X?
First, let us look at the current costs of the part which again is called and assembly. I will include the cost of an LCD, but we are going to remember that in reality our standards will be the LED. I wanted to include the LCD prices so you can see that sometimes there is not even such a big difference price wise. Sometimes it is just about where you are buying the iPhone X screen. Also, I am a big believer in good customer service, and good RMA processes so that is why I do not primarily purchase from eBay or Amazon. Sometimes our amazing vendors are not the cheapest but it is their relationship that I’m most interested in. If price is all you are worried about you need to change your mindset my friend.
LED LCD Vendor
$61.99 $49.99 Ebay
$42.15 $33.75 High Grade Vendors provided locate in USA (provided in class)
$98.90 $48.95 Amazon
So now that we know the cost of the part let’s breakdown the labor. Now with your customer you would not be breaking this out you would be giving them a one lump sum and then charging them taxes and collecting your total amount. You never want to disclose the cost of apart, if possible. Because then you create this thing where customers go looking for costs and want to try to haggle with you.
I will say this though with my flea market spaces some years ago sometimes I did disclose part prices and then had to have a rough conversation about how my labor was worth what I was charging. Never change your pricing, that’s my moto, if I feel like I am not providing enough for what I am charging I throw in Free Bs like a tempered glass which I get for less than a $1 most of the time.
Below are some examples of live pricing we found for this repair online. We have no affiliation with these companies, these are random finds.
- Batteries Plus $189
- BestBuy starts at $129
- Misc Mobile Tech $85
- Independent Repair Shop $120
I know what you are thinking, those are some big differences in price! The reason is some companies have brand recognition and charge more. As an independent shop owner, you usually right below the larger companies or match them and for some bizarre reason mobile techs like to charge bottom dollar!
Even though a mobile tech has way more expenses and time into each repair they charge less, its mind boggling, so in our class we teach you how NOT to take lower than you deserve. A mobile tech is a luxury, not a less than. For the purposes of an average, I will say we will make an avg of $70 labor on this repair. So, let us run the numbers:
Avg cost LED: $50
Labor: $70
Total $120
*Calc Sales Tax, and collect your grand total.
Time to repair
Now comes the important question how much time is it going to take me to earn this $70.00? Believe it or not the iPhone X is one of the most easiest phones to repair, if you are trained properly. There are very specific things that you need to know or you can change the way the phone works or completely damage it. So, don’t be confused, when I say easy, I don’t mean… let me pull up a random YouTube video and follow along. Proper training ensures that you do not damage it with static or grounding issues, that you’d know how to use pry tools properly, that you know about programming, serial numbers, and other things that are affected when you change the screen.
The time is also not the main concern, it’s all about quality to us. As I talk about in class with students, I prefer you worry about quality and processes, your time frames will get better with experience. Now that doesn’t mean it’s going to take you two or three years to get the time down, I have students leave and within the first month they are at the times of someone who’s been doing it for years. The time to actually do this repair for someone who is comfortable with repair is less than 15 minutes. I have actually timed myself and my head repair technicians fastest time being 6 minutes. Does that mean you need to rush to get this done? absolutely NOT! When you start you will take your time slow and ensure you are following all of our processes.
I save this till the end because it’s a big surprise and it’s actually very exciting. There is something called refurb and we talk about it in class and introduce you to that part of the industry and give you a path to becoming a refurber. It is not a GET RICH QUICK scheme and can NOT be taught in a few hours. Any school that says you can learn micro soldering, refurb AND be a beginner all in 5 days, is lying to you, don’t be cheated. If you take those types of courses you cannot retain information and you will fail to launch your business properly.
At CellBotics, we do break in down in depth in class but we are not scamming you for a course fee, we set you up for TRUE success. If you are a refubrer this would cost you less than $10 dollars so now your profit would be $110! The time to refurb this is a few moments, once you know what you are doing and have the proper machines. Machines are NOT cheap, and you have to dedicated to make this work. Read about Monjum, one of our grads who owns an amazing refurb company now. And is LOVING IT!
In conclusion
Yes, its only going to take less than 15 minutes to repair the device and your part average is $50. Your average profit is $70 and that’s not bad at all. Think of how many careers you could do to earn this type of income. Let’s say you do this for 6 hours a day at 30 minutes a repair. That would be 12 repairs times $70 = $840 a day.
Let’s say you work 5 days a week, yea the lazy man hours. I cant recall the last time I only worked on my business 5 days HAHAHA! 5 days x $840 = $4200 in 1 week… come one, I can hear you now… Mr/Mrs negativity. Stop doubting, yes its doable 1000%. Does it take work? Yes, 10000% is it easy, NOOOOO, is it worth it?
Well at $4200 a week for 4 weeks that’s $16,800 a month and $201,000 a year. You could go back to college and get in student debt and get a 4 year degree and work your way up to these numbers or become a doctor or something like that. So how about just skip all of that and take a 4 – 8 days course with us, invest $1200 – $3000 and change your life forever… stop with the doubt, sign up today!
Looking forward to seeing you in class!

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