Cell phone repair is an essential industry during Coronavirus COVID-19

We are essential and We are thriving!
Because of the ability of easy and fast communication with friends, family, business associates and access to the internet the importance of cell phones and its repairing are increasing day by day, especially during COVID-19. Nowadays it has a lot of importance in our daily life. We can’t think even a day without touching our beloved cell phone. Because of increasing its popularity the cell phone repairing industry growing day by day. In the USA the Cell Phone Repair industry has experienced strong growth past five years. From 2014 to 2019, the usage of smartphones and tablets growing dramatically. The rising usage of the smartphone and tablet adds significant value to the cell repairing industry.
According to the report of ibis, this industry revenue is expected to rise at an annualized rate of 1.4% to $3.9 billion during the period of 2014 to 2019. Many believe there is a threat to this industry due to tech companies producing stronger, more durable, and more difficult to break smartphones and tablets, but this could not be further from the truth. Give us a human and an electronic and we will show you the device can break. The cell phone repair industry is expected to grow 1.7%.
Service essential works and others
However, during this worldwide threat of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the cell repairing industry is booming! Shops and mobile techs are gaining profit and continue to work through the whole pandemic. Because cell phones are a daily life instrument and we can’t think about proper communication with others without a cell phone and no matter the pandemic, people need their devices working. Shops and mobile techs have also seen an increase in repair for essential works like police, medical staff, and food service workers.
One of the most important matters is that we can stay home but we can’t stop communicating over the phone. So, there is always the necessity of repairing cell phones.
Mobile Techs VS Shops
Once this unexpected situation came about with the COVID-19. Mobile Techs have seen a high increase in repair requests as shops close and people do not want to leave him. Techs are getting very creative. One of our techs in Washington DC uses rental scooters to pick up from around the city and Brenda our tech in VA picks phones up from people’s mailboxes and delivers them back that way.
Here at CellBotics we have received an increase in calls from our Grads looking for creative help in getting device sanitized and receiving payment. We have been helping grads daily meet the demand and its been very exciting. You may see on our Facebook and YouTube Channel we are also busy with repair, Commercial Repair. So not only could you get work from persons you can receive repair work from companies, we teach you all about that.
Check out our YouTube video about COVID and the repair industries.
The reason behind the necessity of cell phone repairing even this Covid19 pandemic situation.
The cell phone is an essential part of our daily routine. Not only with communication, but the cell phones also has numerous abilities i.e. storing data, taking pictures, finding a location, and so much more. With the increase of cell phone usage during the stay at home orders the necessity of repairing also increases.
We know you may be thinking but modern smartphones are made stronger, more durable, and more difficult to break, you should understand that they are just composed of electronic instruments and they have a certain lifespan. Besides, the cell phone can be damaged from heat, pressure, a fall, being sat on, water and so much more. All of these issues require a repair tech, just think about it, every USA citizen owns a device that may need repair now or in the future. Additionally, using a smartphone for long periods of time makes them more susceptible to damage which then needs repair.
In this coronavirus Covid19 world pandemic situation people are lockdown into their apartment. This virus not only killing people but also spreading human suffering. This is much more than a health crisis. It consists of three major issues i.e. human, economic, and social crisis.
People are always in fear and uncertainty about what happened next. Roads, rivers, and air transport almost stop. Physical communication dangerously prohibited. People are frightened of the unseen deadly virus. In this situation, communication over the phone and the Internet is the only way and their electronics can bring them relief from being confined inside. So, now covid19 increases the usage of the cell phone and tablet. People are spending more time on the internet, watching the news, communicating with nears and dears, playing games, making funs, etc.
According to weforum organization,
- The coronavirus pandemic continues to hit the US economy, with another 5.2 million Americans seeking unemployment benefits last week.
- More than 20 million Americans have applied for benefits in the last month.
- Economists believe that the U.S. economy contracted at its sharpest rate since World War II in the first quarter of the year.
Have you thought about what these people can do to earn income? They/You need to think outside of the box. If you are struggling for income you can do cell phone repair from home for people in your community and continue after everything goes back to normal.

Cell Phone Repair Industry Statistics
With the change of time, about 80% of Americans use a smartphone and 95% of people use cell phone which was thought to be a luxury actually is the norm these days. More than 8000 businesses and 23,000 people are currently active in this industry. Cell phone repairing gains its highest level opportunity in the southeast. About 31% of people are active in this industry in the southeast. Meanwhile, 14% of this industry is currently active in the western USA.
As we mentioned above, According to the report of IBIS World, this industry revenue is expected to rise at an annualized rate of 1.4% to $3.9 billion during the period of 2014 to 2019.
According to Experimac,
- U.S consumers are spent over $23.5 in 2014 for replacing parts of the broken smartphone (mostly cracked screen).
- Repaired Apple products are sold 6 times more than other new brands.
- Almost 60% of cell phone repair shops will also sell accessories, screen protectors, and defensive products that generate more income from this industry.
According to our experience in the industry,
- One can earn an average of $80 a repair by doing repairs such as repair jammed button, battery replacement, screen repair, charge port repair and so much more.
- Most iPhones and Android devices suffer from damage by drops, falling into a liquid, getting knocked off a table, falling out of the user’s lap and they need to be repaired, you can capitalize on this need.
According to PC Magazine, Men are 57% more likely to drop their cell phone into a toilet compared to women. Sorry guys.

Besides the above-mentioned reason, there are more things that cause cell phone repairing like as follows-
- Damaged in the driveway, the kitchen, the bedroom, and the living room.
- A long time using it taking too long to load
- Water damage is responsible for 43% of liquid damaging and cell phone repairing
- Sometimes parents gave the cell phone to one of their children to use.
Trends and Analysis of Cell Phone Repair Industry
Considering the above all discussion, reports, and statistics the cell phone repair industry is expected to grow at 5% per year over the next 5-year period. Stop waiting and join the repair industry today. Do not be afraid of the COVID-19, it is actually having a positive effect on our industry, and we are thriving! Come thrive with the rest of us!
Thank you for reading my blog! See you in class!
Nicole Russell
Cell Phone Trainer and President of CellBotics

Check out these pages:
https://cellbotics.com/cell-phone-repair-training-reviews/ , https://cellbotics.com/cellbotics-partnership-and-icracked-partnership/ , https://cellbotics.com/videos-from-the-trainers/ or Register for our class here: https://cellbotics.com/cell-phone-repair-courses-all-schedules/ and be sure to signup for our Ebook and discounts: https://cellbotics.com/cellbotics-landing/