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Category: ERC

What is the ERC E-Reuse Conference?

What is the ERC E-Reuse Conference? Electronic Reuse Conference is a conference like no other. Not sure what the Electronic Reuse Conference (ERC) is? Well, if you work in electronics repair and refurbishment, asset management, electronics recycling, or digital integration, this conference should be on your agenda. This year the ERC is celebrating its 15th…
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Electronics Reuse Conference: How Is It Valuable to the Electronics Space?

Electronics Reuse Conference: How Is It Valuable to the Electronics Space? With the recently concluded COP26 climate negotiations set to take further steps to mitigate climate change, the importance of electronics reuse (e-reuse) cannot be overemphasized. Events like the Electronics Reuse Conference (ERC) that bring together industry leaders are essential to increasing the reuse of…
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